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Here you'll find my most most recent blog posts. Explore everything from companion planting and vertical gardening to raising meat birds and water glassing eggs. Don't miss my farm-to-table recipes!
The 5 Best Chickens for Meat and Eggs (Dual Purpose Breeds)
So, you want to raise the best chickens for meat and eggs, but what is the right dual-purpose breed for your homestead? Not all chickens are good at both, so you need to be sure to pick the right one. Some chickens are skinny, egg-laying machines, while others are large, but poor egg layers. True
How to Grow Broccoli Microgreens: A Complete Guide
Broccoli microgreens are rapidly becoming popular because they are delicious, nutritious, and super easy to grow! These flavorful little plants can be grown for your own enjoyment, or for a lucrative side hustle. Not only are they fun to grow, but they also offer many health benefits that make them a must-try for anyone looking
Lemon Balm vs Mint: Which One Should You Use and Grow?
Lemon balm vs mint… they look very similar, but they’re actually quite different! They each have their own distinct aromas, taste profiles, uses medicinal properties, and growing habits. You may be asking: Can they be used the same way? Do they taste similar? Which one has more medicinal value? I’m about to answer all of
The 7 Best Meat Chickens for Your Homestead
So, you want to put meat on the table yourself, but what are the best meat chickens to raise? There are a lot of different breeds of meat chickens available, each having its own pros and cons. It’s important to do your homework before you jump into raising them. We’ve been raising meat chickens since
Can Chickens Eat Grapes? Are They Safe?
Have you ever wondered “can chickens eat grapes?” They aren’t safe for dogs, but what about your flock? Chickens like most fruits and vegetables, but grapes may seem questionable at first glance. Are they safe? I’ve done the research for you and below we’ll tackle all aspects of this topic: Are grapes safe for chickens?
How to Care for Chickens: A Beginners Guide
It can be overwhelming to figure out how to care for chickens when you’re first starting out. With my 6 easy steps, you’ll be well on your way to having a flourishing flock and doing it with confidence! In this article, we’ll discuss everything from what breed to consider and how to build (or find)