Welcome to The Homesteading RD's Blog!
Here you'll find my most most recent blog posts. Explore everything from companion planting and vertical gardening to raising meat birds and water glassing eggs. Don't miss my farm-to-table recipes!
Chicken Coop Winterizing (6 ESSENTIAL Steps!)
Chicken coop winterizing is an essential step if you live in a cold climate like me. It can easily hit -35F here in Minnesota, so we’ve had to perfect our methods and I can’t wait to share my best tips (and mistakes!) with you. There’s a lot of information floating around out there and it
Can Chickens Eat Apples? What About the Seeds?
If you have some extra apples (or leftover cores!) lying around, you’re probably wondering “Can chickens eat apples?” You’re not alone! I get asked this question all the time. The short answer is YES, but they can be high in sugar. So, how much is too much? What about the seeds? Don’t they have cyanide
Fermented Honey Garlic (Plus, Tips to Avoid Botulism)
Making a batch of fermented honey garlic is one of the best things you can do to get ready for the upcoming cold and flu season. A little bit goes a long way in boosting your immune system! Raw honey and garlic are well known for their immune-boosting properties and the best part is that
How to Braid Onions for Long-Term Storage
Learning how to braid onions is fun, easy and very functional! Braiding them allows for great airflow (reducing the risk of them rotting or getting moldy) and they are easy to hang for long-term storage. No need for storage bins! I always feel like I’m tapping into the old frontier days when I’m sitting on
Cucumber Leaves Turning Yellow? Here’s 5 Reasons & Solutions!
Are your cucumber leaves turning yellow? This is a common occurrence in backyard gardens and can be disheartening. You’ve been taking care of your plants, and then boom! The leaves change out of nowhere and you’re left wondering if your plant is a goner or not. Those vibrant, green leaves are not just for show;
Topping Tomato Plants (Why, When & How to Do It)
So you’ve been hearing about people topping tomato plants, but it seems like such a drastic measure, doesn’t it? When your tomato plant is large and prolific it can feel counterintuitive to prune it back at the height of the season. Hear me out! Topping your tomato plants might be one of the best things