Welcome to The Homesteading RD's Blog!

Here you'll find my most most recent blog posts. Explore everything from companion planting and vertical gardening to raising meat birds and water glassing eggs. Don't miss my farm-to-table recipes!
A hand holding blackberries extended to chickens outside
Raise Chickens

Can Chickens Eat Blackberries? Are They Safe?

If you have blackberries growing on your homestead, you may be wondering “can chickens eat blackberries?” We have a lot of wild blackberries growing on our Minnesota acreage, so I had the same burning question! I’ve done the research for you and below we’ll tackle all aspects of this topic: Are blackberries safe for chickens?

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A half gallon mason jar filled with jalapeno pickled eggs
Preserve Your Harvest

Jalapeno Pickled Eggs (No Canning Necessary!)

If you love pickles, then you’re going to love this jalapeno pickled eggs recipe! Making jalapeno pickled eggs is a great way to use up those summer surplus eggs. Plus, they are a delicious high-protein snack! The best part of this recipe is that the jalapeno pickled eggs are ready to eat in just 7

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Spraying neem oil onto a tomato plant using a spraying wand
Grow Your Own Food

How to Use Neem Oil on Tomato Plants

Have you been thinking about using neem oil on your tomato plants? Neem oil is a versatile, natural product that all organic gardeners should have on hand, especially when growing tomatoes!  Not only does neem oil help repel common tomato pests, but it controls fungal and bacterial diseases as well. However, not all neem oil

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Fermented Turnips or Sauerruben freshly made in a jar on the counter with a turnip next to it.
Preserve Your Harvest

Fermented Turnips Recipe (Sauerruben)

Fermented turnips (sauerruben) are super easy to make and have many health benefits! They are teaming with gut-loving probiotics, plus turnips are full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and have powerful detoxification and cancer-fighting properties. Unfortunately, turnips are often forgotten about and overshadowed by the popular fermented cabbage (sauerkraut). However, turnips are easier to grow than

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A salatin-style chicken tractor set up with removable no-dig skirts that are weighed down with bricks

How to Make a Predator Proof Chicken Tractor

Providing a predator proof chicken tractor is essential when raising pasture-raised broilers. They are slow, not very smart and a tasty treat to just about any predator out there.  The challenge with pastured poultry operations is that the typical chicken tractor designs tend to be weak and lightweight because they need to move to fresh

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Hands holding some compost
Grow Your Own Food

The Best Compost for Your Vegetable Garden

Providing high-quality, nutrient-dense compost is essential for maintaining a healthy and high-producing vegetable garden. There are a lot of different methods and ideas around what is the very best compost for the vegetable garden. How do you know what’s best? In this article, we’ll cover what components make the best compost, the 4 best bagged

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